Color Meaning

  • Cool and Calming: Blue can be strong and steadfast or light and dutiful. It is associated it with male energy.

    SCENT:  Hints of Sandalwood and Lavender Sage.

    USAGE:  Sandalwood is commonly used to treat anxiety, depression, eczema, and insomnia. It’s also an antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, and good for relaxing.

  • Love and War: Red is hot. It's a strong color that conjures up a range of seemly conflicting emotions passionate love to violence and warfare. Red is cupid and the Devil all rolled up in one. Just depends how you  are feeling.

    SCENT: Hints of Roses

    USAGE:  Rose is commonly used to treat anxiety, depression, insomnia, & menstrual pains. Also as an aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, & mental stimulation.

  • Cool and Calming: Pink is softer, less violent. Pink is the sweet side of red. 

    SCENT: Hints of Sweet Candy, Sandalwood & Lavender

    USAGE: Meant to inspire love and grow with how the love makes you feel.

  • Life and Renewal: Green is Life, abundance in nature; green signifies growth, renewal, health and environment.

    SCENT: Hints of Nag Champa

    USAGE:  Nag Champa is commonly used for anti-aging, depression, acne, and impotence.  It can also be used for  memory stimulation. antibacterial, astringent.

  • Royalty and spirituality: Purple is the color of  royalty, associated with both nobility & spirituality .

    SCENT:  Hints of Berrywood

    USAGE:  Berrywood is commonly used for anxiety, depression, and overstimulated imagination.

  • Yellow is Sunshine: It is a warm color, denoting happiness and joy with communication clearly as to what you need.

    SCENT:  Hints of Lemon Verbena

    USAGE:  Lemon Verbena is commonly used for acne, astringent, muscle relaxation, and an anti-bacterial.  It is refreshing and cleansing.

  • Ultimate Light: White is purity, cleanliness and innocence. The higher power within all of us. Trusting one's guts and first impressions.

    SCENT:  Hints of Jasmine and Vanilla

    USAGE:  Jasmine is commonly used for anxiety, frigidity, labor & menstrual pains.

  • Creativity: Red-orange color helps bring out the creative side of your personality. This color is strongly associated with sexual energy but creative energy brings passion which can lead you to creating something beautiful in your life.

    SCENT:  Hints of Cranwood, Tangerine and Cinnamon

    USAGE:  Orange is commonly used for constipation, headaches, indigestion, and insomnia.  It can also be used as a muscle relaxer and soothing agent.

  • Devotion, Grace: Lavender is a herb, color, fragrance & flower, representing devotion, grace and calmness; especially when dealing with large groups.

    SCENT:  Hints of Lavender and Sage

    USAGE:  Lavender is commonly used for anxiety, burns, insect repellent, insomnia, & pains.  Also an analgesic, anti-bacterial, astringent, antiseptic, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory.

  • Ground, Centering and Responsibility: Duty, Responsibility, Structure and Connecting to your body's needs.

    SCENT:  Hints of Eucalyptus and Lavender

    USAGE:  Eucalyptus is commonly used to relieve exhaustion, elevate mood, and rejuvenates the spirit. It is also used in reducing symptoms of coughs, colds, and congestion and relieving muscle and joint pain.

    Lavender commonly used for anxiety, burns, insect repellent, insomnia, & pains.  It is also an analgesic, anti-bacterial, astringent, antiseptic, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory.